Mystery Case Files: Broken Hour: Chapter 6 Inside the Workshop
- Collect the metal pointer.
- Click the blueprint; insert Harold’s initials & collect the chainsaw.
- Move to the Amphitheater.
- Select the chainsaw to use on the arms; collect the dial.
- Move to the Operating Hall.
- Attach the dial to trigger a mini game.
- Solve the game by aligning the tiles correctly
- Move to the Reanimation Chamber.
- Examine the note; collect the organ key.
- Collect the green button.
- Click the cap – pour the electrolyte solution.
- Click the compartment- insert the mechanical heart.
- Collect the charged heart.
- Move down once.
- Insert the charged heart & the other organs.
- Collect the cable.
- Move to the Reanimation Chamber.
- Insert & attach the cable.
- Click the handle.
- Click the hidden objects area.
- Find the items.
- Collect the prosthetic hook.
- Move to the Workshop.
- Select the prosthetic hook to collect the tube container & click it open.
- Collect the red button & box mechanism.
- Place the box mechanism & the red & green buttons.
- Click the red button.
- Move to the Small Chapel.
- Insert the organ key.
- Click A-F; collect the eel food.
- Move to the Reanimation Chamber.
- Click the chute & place the eel food.
- Click the red drape to play the game.
- Solve the game playing the mini games; collect the diamond.
- Move to the Small Chapel.
- Insert the diamond; collect the Lanswiller’s medal & examine the note.
- Move to the Amphitheatre.
- Insert the Lanswiller’s medal to trigger a hidden objects area.
- Find the items.
- Collect the pattern piece.
- Move to the Workshop.
- Place the pattern piece to trigger a mini game.
- Solve the game by aligning the pattern correctly & clicking 8-3-7.
- Click the cloak to trigger a mini game; solve the game by selecting the buttons that match the image.
- Collect the blue button & attach & click it.
- Move to the Old Courtyard.
- Speak to Ben.
- Collect the note.
- Click the vines.
- Click the hidden objects area.
- Find the items.
- Collect the extendable roller.
- Collect the writing clock figurine & family emblem.
- Place the creepy doll.
- Move to Jacob’s Memorial.
- Collect the metal container.
- Click the cobwebs; collect the metal file.
- Place Jacob’s picture; collect the herbicide.
- Move down once.
- Use the herbicide to collect the old lighter.
- Use the metal file to collect the family emblem.
- Move into the Cold Storage.
- Examine the note; collect the tap.
- Read the note.
- Collect the old battery & family emblem.
- Click the broken handle.
- Move to the Workshop.
- Select the extendable roller to paint the numbers.
- Enter 174; collect the regulator.
- Move to Jacob’s Memorial.
- Insert the family emblem; collect the gimlet drill.
- Move to the Cold Storage.
- Select the gimlet drill to collect the pressure valve.
- Attach the regulator to trigger a mini game.
- Solve the game by guiding the sphere to the correct spot in 4 moves.
- Click the 2 jars; collect the clock winder.
- Collect the carpet part using the old lighter.
- Click the feet – place the carpet part to trigger a mini game.
- Solve the game by re-creating the pattern correctly.
- Collect the clock handle.
- Move to Jacob’s Memorial.
- Insert the clock winder.
- Click the hidden objects area.
- Find the items.
- Collect the container handle.
- Attach the tap & container handle onto the container.
- Move to the Cold Storage.