Roads of Rome 3
The Roads of Rome III Walkthrough provides general strategies and specific instructions for completing all levels in Expert time. You can beat even the Hard mode as an Expert including the Bonus levels.
of Rome III is a fantastic resource management game (and series).
This walkthrough provides general strategies and specific
instructions for completing all levels in Expert time, including Hard
Similarity to First Two Games:
This game plays exactly the same as the previous games with the following exceptions:
A good general build strategy is to do the following:
Episodes and levels: There are 4 episodes in the game, each with 10 levels. Each episode has its own unique terrain and will introduce more and more challenges. While buildings, bridges, and resources do not cost any more in later levels, all the obstacles and roads cost increasingly more. The regenerating berries vary according to terrain.
Timer: Clicking anywhere on the screen start starts the timer. You cannot check costs until the timer has started, so just click, check things out, and then restart your level after you have decided your plan of attack. If you finish before the little line on the left, you will receive an expert rank.
Fires: Most buildings except the Pumping Station and Cobbler are on fire at the start of the level. Most will take 5 units of water to put out except the storehouse will take 7. You need to put the fire out and then rebuild. Rebuilding does cost less resources than building from scratch.
Production times: Production buildings produce their product every 15 seconds for level 1 buildings. Production does not restart until you pick up the product. Each time you upgrade the building the production time increases, but it is still more efficient to upgrade as each upgrade does get you more product per second of recycle time. However, most of the walkthrough has you stop upgrading at Level 1 until the Storehouse or other more important things are built.
Circles: When you hover the cursor, you will also see a circle around that area.
Camp, Sawmill, Fishing Hut, Mine, Pumping Station, Cobbler, Smithy, Workshop
Fire: 5 water to put out
Repair: 4 wood to repair after a fire
Level 1-- costs 6 wood
Level 2-- costs 8 wood
Level 3-- costs 10 wood
With each level of Camp you get an additional worker.
For production buildings, you get 5 units at Level 1, 7 units, at Level 2, and 9 units at Level 3.
For the Cobbler, Smithy, and Workshop--you will receive the bonus for a longer duration.
Fire: 5 water to put out
Repair: 5 wood to repair after a fire
Level 1-- costs 6 wood
Level 2-- costs 8 wood
Level 3-- costs 10 wood
Fire: 5 water to put out
Repair: 5 wood to repair after a fire
Level 1-- provides 5 stones, costs 16 wood
Level 2-- provides 7 stones, costs 10 wood
Level 3-- provides 9 stones, costs 12 wood
Fire--needs 7 water to put out
Repair: 7 wood to repair after fire
Level 1--costs 6 wood, 2 gold--add 1 to each load brought in
Level 2--costs 10 wood, 2 gold--add 2 to each load brought in
Level 3--costs 12 wood, 2 gold—add 3 to each load brought in
Boathouse, Balloon Tower, and Submarine Station--costs 10 wood and allows 1 worker at a time to get a specific area. When you click on a building over there, you may have enough resources to do something but if a worker is en route or over there, the building or item will show up with a red circle. You can send a second worker as soon as you get to shore.
Ropes and ladders--costs 2 food. Unlike the balloon and boat, more than one worker can be on the other side.
Key and Teleport--free. Unlike the balloon and boat, more than one worker can be on the other side.
Altars, Monks, Carts--require varying amounts of offerings to clear flooded areas, fog, and burning areas.
Settlements--Take lots of water to put out first and then cost lots of wood, gold, and stone. Most Settlements have several outbuildings and several sections of walls, plus the main fort. Sometimes a Settlement will include a Temple that is separate so just watch your tasks.
Temples--cost gold and stone.
Roads: There will only be one road to be build. You will need to go off road many times to get to your buildings or goals. When you are off road you will still need to remove obstacles. The cost of the road varies from 1 food and 2 wood to 6 food and 8 stone. The cost increases as you go along.
Berries--receive 1 food
Trees--receive 1 wood, cost 1 food. Any kind of tree is fair game to chop down.
Stone--receive 1 stone, cost 2 food
Gold--receive 1 gold, cost 2 food
Obstacles--These will block your forward progress, both for road building and getting to other area. There are many times where you will be able to scoot around some obstacles to get further down the road. Especially when you are trying to get to a vital building, always check to see if you can wait to remove an obstacle by going around it.
Goal items: All cost varying amounts of gold and food. Each level will cost more for each item. They are frequently in out of the way spots. Don't forget to get them. There's nothing worse than finishing the road and wondering why the level hasn't finished.Occasionally a crystal will be inside a cave. Always explore the caves.
Vikings: Many levels have Vikings. Some levels have them in several locations. Your worker will not come out to work until you click on it to make it go away. Your worker will continue to work though. Interestingly if you see your workers all the sudden start moving faster, it might be because a predator is out and they are running home. Also a building that had a green circle will suddenly turn red. They also make their growling sounds to let you know they are there. A few clicks will make a predator go away.
Sound volume: For most games I usually turn off my sound so I can listen to something else when I am playing. With this game it is extremely useful to leave your sound on low. It will bing whenever a building produces.Your predator will make a growling noise. A new bonus popping up will be make another unique side.
You can turn the weather off in options
Similarity to First Two Games:
This game plays exactly the same as the previous games with the following exceptions:
- Hard, Normal, Easy, and Relaxed modes: You cannot switch from one to the other in the middle of the game. If you get stuck on a level, you will have to start in the relaxed mode (with the same player if you want) and work up to that point. If you want, you can play a level first in the relaxed mode and the repeat it in the challenge mode. The relaxed mode has completely removed the timer. The main difference between the levels is the amount of time you are given before time expires.
- Three bonus levels. This is the motivation to be an expert on the levels. These are available through the Normal and Hard modes. While you can progress onto the next level if you finish before the day is over, the expert rank is what gamers will want to achieve.
- Pumping Station and Fires--lots and lots of fires! The Pumping Station provides water to put out all of the various fires on the level.Because most of your buildings start out on fire, you will need to build this early on.
- Cobbler--This building provides you with speedy boots at regular and frequent intervals and is very important to the overall strategy.
- Smithy and Workshop--These now provide actual hammers and axes to pick up to use as bonuses. I do not use these myself.
- There are some barely noticeable changes to the marks over the repairable road sections
A good general build strategy is to do the following:
- Upgrade the Camp to level 2 first thing.
- Build the Pumping Station
- If you start off with a lot of wood, consider upgrading the Camp again unless there is no wood around to chop.
- Build the Sawmill and Farm first if you can get to them.
- Build the Quarry and the Mine next, whichever you can get to first.
- Next if you have a Storehouse, you should build those even if you have to work to get to them. These add 1 resource to each load brought in, including berries, trees, gold piles, and stone piles.
- Build the Cobbler
- Upgrade the Storehouse if you have an upgrade available.
- Then start upgrading your buildings, if needed. Most of the time you don't need to upgrade the Sawmill.
- Consider upgrading your Camp before upgrading other buildings because of the worker plus speed benefit.
- Don't start building the road until you know you have enough food to remove the obstacles to all of the production buildings including the Storehouse.
- Try to keep your workers moving as much as possible.
- Always pick the berries if your worker is not doing anything else.
- Prioritize picking berries on all levels except the snowy ones because they regenerate. Snowy levels don't regenerate their berry bushes.
- Pick up resources at each building quickly because they don't start producing again until the resources are picked up.
- The further apart things are, the more you need a higher level Camp and the sooner you will need the Cobbler. Seriously consider upgrading your Camp to at least level 3 before upgrading other buildings unless you are very short of a particular resource.
- Don't feel bad about chopping down trees.We're Romans; we're not conservationists. Seriously you will need a lot of wood to get things going quickly.
- Don't feel bad about using up your food to chop down trees to get your buildings producing quickly. Just keep an eye on whether you have obstructions blocking your buildings that you need the food for.
- If you aren't successful the first time, switch things up a bit. Notice what you were running short of and prioritize that the next time. Consider upgrading your Storehouse sooner than you might think it needs to be done, especially if you are picking a lot of berries and chopping wood
- Don't start building your road until you know you have enough food to get through the rocks blocking the way to the storehouse.
- Remember you can switch modes to Relaxed at any point in the game if you decide you don't want the time pressure.
- Many times you will be able to work around an obstacle even when it looks like you might not be able to. So always hover over your destination to see if you can get there sooner.
- You can turn the weather effects off in the options menu.
Episodes and levels: There are 4 episodes in the game, each with 10 levels. Each episode has its own unique terrain and will introduce more and more challenges. While buildings, bridges, and resources do not cost any more in later levels, all the obstacles and roads cost increasingly more. The regenerating berries vary according to terrain.
Timer: Clicking anywhere on the screen start starts the timer. You cannot check costs until the timer has started, so just click, check things out, and then restart your level after you have decided your plan of attack. If you finish before the little line on the left, you will receive an expert rank.
- With each level you start with 1 worker.
- Each time you upgrade the Camp you get an additional worker and all of them move and work more quickly. So sometimes even if you don't have enough for more workers to do, you will want to upgrade just to have them move faster.
- A worker can go down the road to remove the next obstruction and build the next bridge before the road is built.
- A free worker needs to build and upgrade all buildings including the camp.
- Don't let the man working at the building fool you; you can't control him.
Fires: Most buildings except the Pumping Station and Cobbler are on fire at the start of the level. Most will take 5 units of water to put out except the storehouse will take 7. You need to put the fire out and then rebuild. Rebuilding does cost less resources than building from scratch.
Production times: Production buildings produce their product every 15 seconds for level 1 buildings. Production does not restart until you pick up the product. Each time you upgrade the building the production time increases, but it is still more efficient to upgrade as each upgrade does get you more product per second of recycle time. However, most of the walkthrough has you stop upgrading at Level 1 until the Storehouse or other more important things are built.
Circles: When you hover the cursor, you will also see a circle around that area.
- Green circle--you are able to perform that action right away.
- Blue circle--you have enough resources, but you need to wait until a worker comes back to camp.
- Yellow circle--you almost have enough resources
- Red circle--the area is not within your reach because of obstacles or you do not have enough resources.
- No circle--a worker is on the way to build it
- Uncolored plus and arrow near a building mean there is a building or upgrade available but you do not have the resource or have an obstruction in the way.
- Green plus and arrow means you have the resources but not that you have a worker available. It also means that you can actually get to that building.
- An uncolored gear means a building needs to be repaired. A purple gear means you have the resources to do so. Fires will requires buildings to be repaired. Occasionally earthquakes will knock buildings down. Fix them fast as you aren't producing when they need repair.
- Red exclamation point--The resources to build are not available or the way is blocked.
- Green exclamation point--You have the resources and the section is accessible.
- Green check point--Whenever you have a worker on the way to either build, remove an obstacle, or pick up a resource there will be a tiny green check mark next to it.
Camp, Sawmill, Fishing Hut, Mine, Pumping Station, Cobbler, Smithy, Workshop
Fire: 5 water to put out
Repair: 4 wood to repair after a fire
Level 1-- costs 6 wood
Level 2-- costs 8 wood
Level 3-- costs 10 wood
With each level of Camp you get an additional worker.
For production buildings, you get 5 units at Level 1, 7 units, at Level 2, and 9 units at Level 3.
For the Cobbler, Smithy, and Workshop--you will receive the bonus for a longer duration.
Fire: 5 water to put out
Repair: 5 wood to repair after a fire
Level 1-- costs 6 wood
Level 2-- costs 8 wood
Level 3-- costs 10 wood
Fire: 5 water to put out
Repair: 5 wood to repair after a fire
Level 1-- provides 5 stones, costs 16 wood
Level 2-- provides 7 stones, costs 10 wood
Level 3-- provides 9 stones, costs 12 wood
Fire--needs 7 water to put out
Repair: 7 wood to repair after fire
Level 1--costs 6 wood, 2 gold--add 1 to each load brought in
Level 2--costs 10 wood, 2 gold--add 2 to each load brought in
Level 3--costs 12 wood, 2 gold—add 3 to each load brought in
Boathouse, Balloon Tower, and Submarine Station--costs 10 wood and allows 1 worker at a time to get a specific area. When you click on a building over there, you may have enough resources to do something but if a worker is en route or over there, the building or item will show up with a red circle. You can send a second worker as soon as you get to shore.
Ropes and ladders--costs 2 food. Unlike the balloon and boat, more than one worker can be on the other side.
Key and Teleport--free. Unlike the balloon and boat, more than one worker can be on the other side.
Altars, Monks, Carts--require varying amounts of offerings to clear flooded areas, fog, and burning areas.
Settlements--Take lots of water to put out first and then cost lots of wood, gold, and stone. Most Settlements have several outbuildings and several sections of walls, plus the main fort. Sometimes a Settlement will include a Temple that is separate so just watch your tasks.
Temples--cost gold and stone.
Roads: There will only be one road to be build. You will need to go off road many times to get to your buildings or goals. When you are off road you will still need to remove obstacles. The cost of the road varies from 1 food and 2 wood to 6 food and 8 stone. The cost increases as you go along.
Berries--receive 1 food
Trees--receive 1 wood, cost 1 food. Any kind of tree is fair game to chop down.
Stone--receive 1 stone, cost 2 food
Gold--receive 1 gold, cost 2 food
Obstacles--These will block your forward progress, both for road building and getting to other area. There are many times where you will be able to scoot around some obstacles to get further down the road. Especially when you are trying to get to a vital building, always check to see if you can wait to remove an obstacle by going around it.
Goal items: All cost varying amounts of gold and food. Each level will cost more for each item. They are frequently in out of the way spots. Don't forget to get them. There's nothing worse than finishing the road and wondering why the level hasn't finished.Occasionally a crystal will be inside a cave. Always explore the caves.
Vikings: Many levels have Vikings. Some levels have them in several locations. Your worker will not come out to work until you click on it to make it go away. Your worker will continue to work though. Interestingly if you see your workers all the sudden start moving faster, it might be because a predator is out and they are running home. Also a building that had a green circle will suddenly turn red. They also make their growling sounds to let you know they are there. A few clicks will make a predator go away.
Sound volume: For most games I usually turn off my sound so I can listen to something else when I am playing. With this game it is extremely useful to leave your sound on low. It will bing whenever a building produces.Your predator will make a growling noise. A new bonus popping up will be make another unique side.
You can turn the weather off in options